From Maiju
The organizer Maiju Saariniemi talked about her experience of the course and event.
[April 22.2014]
How did Participants enjoy the events in 2013
Thank you for those who joined in the event and gave us great feedback.
[April 22.2014]
To Read more, click here.
- 1 Remi’s back in Helsinki for courses and event June 2014
- 2 Our 1st International Course in Finland – July 2013
- 2.1 5 day Power Stone Therapy Course
- 2.2 Messages from Your Spirit guides and Angels – An Open Event
- 2.3 Date and Time: 17.7.201316.30 pm-18.30 pm
- 2.4 Healing Demonstration – Cyrstal Acupuncture and Teragram Therapy
- 2.5 Private Sessions
- 2.6 A.Psychic reading and spiritual counseling
- 2.7 B.Metaphysio Therapy
- 3 Sign up here & Send inquiry
Remi’s back in Helsinki for courses and event June 2014
Open Up Your Spiritual Abilities!
Spiritual Consciousness and Psychic Development
It is again our delight to teach and share this course in Finland.
Kun tapaat uuden ihmisen, luulet ettet tieda mitaan hanen terveydestaan, ajatuksistaan, tunteistaan, kokemuksistaan tai sielun historiastaan. Mutta sina tiedat, koska henkinen ulottuvuutesi sinussa tietaa enemman. Kayttamalla henkisia (ts. psyykkisia) aistejasi, sinun on mahdollista saada tietoa tasta ihmisesta seka toimittaa hanelle viesteja hanen henkioppailtaan ja enkeleiltaan.
Meilla jokaisella on kyky vastaanottaa henkista tietoa, muuten emme olisi taalla. Se on yhta helppoa kuin joisi vetta rajattomasta joesta, joka ruokkii kaikkea olemassaoloa. Monet kayttavat naita synnynnaisia ominaisuuksiamme tiedostamattaan, toiset enemman ja toiset vahemman. To Read more, please click here.
Information in English: click here
Powerstone Therapy Level 2
Hello, this is Remi. It is my pleasure to share this course with you in June this year.This time in level 2 we focus more on learning how to combine those 6 therapies, to heal and release on deeper cellulor level of trauma and pains from past lives which have still influenced this life.
This means you will learn to release and heal your past life related traumas and conditions, and extract only lessons from them to live this life better.
When those issues addressed from higher spiritual point of view, you will see how easily those ‘negative’ experiences can be transformed into positive and meaningful lessons, and actually give the most fundamental and effective solution to the situation that you are experiencing right now. This new understanding and awareness in reality change your present, your past, and your future of this life and other lives. This ripple effects can penetrate throughout your existence.
Powerstone therapy can help those multi-dimensional transition and spiritual growth as well – gems and minerals have such powerful qualities, but still they only help us doing it. More importantly our focus and intention, and use our eneriges into them and our beloved guys- spiritual master teachers’ guide. Let’s talk and have wonderful healing, awakening, fulfilling experiences again in June!
An Evening of Messages from your spirit guides and angels
Thanks to those who joined us in july 2013 and gave all the positive and excited feedback. Thank you also those who shared your excitement with your friends and family and bring them…Hope to see you all this time and share wonderful time again.
You and your family, friends are welcome…
In this event you will be provided with
spiritual information suh as:
– akashic record/your past lives
– talents and skills that you have carried from your previous lives
– solutions to your current problems
– answers to your questions in this life
– messages from your guides, dead relatives
– your life direction
– how to open your abilities and develop skills, etc…
This is a wonderful opportunity to see demonstration of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and channeling. Join and receive messages that your spirit guides would like to tell you.
When you come to the event, please do not forget having one or couple of question in your mind. REMI will attune to your spirit guides and tell you what they say or answer.
Although, don’t worry if you forget or have no particular question- she will channel messages from your spirit guides and give guidance which is the most important for you right now.
REMI uses her several psychic skills such as:
Clairvoyance / Clairaudience / Psycometry / Channeling / Akashic record reading / Divine healing
In short time she will be together with your spirit guides and give you some information and answers to your questions and interests. Each attendee receives a few piece of information and/or messages, so everyone gets something to bring home with.
Please remember, that there is a Law of Attraction working all the time at all levels – therefore, some advice and messages given to other individuals can also be important for you. Each attendee gather at this event will benefit from listening to the messages given to other individuals. Everyone there will have some spiritual connection in some ways.
Open your mind and heart so that you would enjoy and find more about yourselves, directions, and advice.
Also this will be an excellent opportunity to get familiar with a spiritual aspect of yourself and open up connections to your spirit guides as well!
Our 1st International Course in Finland – July 2013
Rev.REMI is going to Finland to teach Power Stone Therapy, hold a ‘Messages from Your Spirit Guides and Angels’ event, and give private sessions in July 2013.
5 day Power Stone Therapy Course
Learning this five day Power Stone Therapy course will be a life-changing experience for you.How? -This will heal and ease your physical problems, release negativities from your old memories, let go your emotional and mental blocks and transform your mindset into new awareness about yourself and others. This will also open your spiritual consciousenses and enhance connecttions with your spirit guides.
This is an essential life-skill you will hold dear all your life. This therapy was founded by Dr. Margaret Rogers Van Coops and has been proved to be effective, certified and covered by the national insurance in UK.
What is Power Stone Therapy?
Learn more about this amazing healing modality
To read testimonials and experences on this thrapy from clients, Click here.
Time and place
1st part
22.-23.7.13 in Helsinki Era Nova, Kasarmikatu 2 (at 9:30 am – 6:30 pm)
2nd part
26.-28.7.13 in Janakkala Rantalahti kurssi-
ja leirikeskus (
What is Power Stone Therapy?
Learn more about this amazing healing modality
How to Sign Up
Go to an instruction
Messages from Your Spirit guides and Angels – An Open Event
At “Messages from Your Spirit Guides”, REMI provides you with spiritual information such as :
– talents and skills that you have carried from your previous lives,
– solutions to your current problems and questions in this life,
– messages from your guides and dead relatives
– how to open your abilities and develop skills
– advice for your health
– direction and choices about your work or vocation
– advice for your relationship
– any issue or interest related to life and spirit etc.
– what your gurdian angels would like you to know
When you come to the event, please do not forget having one or couple of question in your mind. REMI will attune to your spirit guides and tell you what they say or answer.
Although, don’t worry if you forget or have no particular question- she will channel messages from your spirit guides and give guidance which is the most important for you right now.
REMI uses her several psychic skills such as:
Clairvoyance / Clairaudience / Psycometry / Channeling / Akashic record reading / Divine healing
In short time she will be together with your spirit guides and give you some information and answers to your questions and interests. Each attendee receives a few piece of information and/or messages, so everyone gets something to bring home with.
Please remember, that there is a Law of Attraction working all the time at all levels – therefore, some advice and messages given to other individuals can also be important for you. Each attendee gather at this event will benefit from listening to the messages given to other individuals. Everyone there will have some spiritual connection in some ways.
Open your mind and heart so that you would enjoy and find more about yourselves, directions, and advice.
Also this will be an excellent opportunity to get familiar with a spiritual aspect of yourself and open up connections to your spirit guides as well.
‘You lose nothing – you only gain. Just come see what you can get!’ -Angela, Switzerland
‘The information about my past lives were beyond expectation. I understand it is very much related to this current life. … Thank you very much for everything you have done for us’ – Ursula, Switzerland
‘Remi is a most amazing soul. Her gifts are from beyond what we call “normal.” She has a heart that touches everyone she meets. I can say I love this young lady as I would a daughter from heaven. She, and her heart, are such a blessing to mankind and all who encounter this precious soul.’ -Ron, USA
Also you can read more of Japanese clients’ voice here
Date and Time: 17.7.201316.30 pm-18.30 pm
Fee: 30 euro
Helsingissa osoitteessa
Kasarmikatu 2 klo
If you would like to read what other participants of this event said, please go to the link below.
VOICES from Attendees of ‘Messages from Your Spirit Guides’
*This page will be shown in Japanese. Please use the Google Traslator at the right up below the navigation bar on the page until further translation work is done.
Healing Demonstration – Cyrstal Acupuncture and Teragram Therapy
In this demonstration Rev. REMI will demonstrate how this healing modality works. We welcome some of you who have pains and illnesses for volunteer as heelees.
With this healing modatlity simple complaints such as headache, backache, hives, stomachache…many types of pains are normally disappear in one or two session. To get healed and inspired, please come and join!
Date and Time: 17.7.2013 at 19.00 pm-21.00 pm
Private Sessions
In an hour-long session, you will gain a lot of detailed and meaningful information about yourself and your life. Remi’s session has changeed people’s lives and helped them transform in great deal.
Any issues related to LIFE can be addressed and advised.
Remi has reputations from her clients that her reading is so clear, accurate, deep and essential.
Also at the top page of Oneness Institute’s Website there are a few clients’ voices. To read them please use the google translator for now.
To read testimonials and experences from Private Sessions with google translator, Click here.
To read testimonials and experences on this thrapy from clients in English, Click here.
To read testimonials and experiences on Remi’s private session in English with google translator, Click here.
A.Psychic reading and spiritual counseling
Some examples of questions you might like to ask:
– Your Life Mission
– Relationships private/office etc
– Family
– What is happening to your life
– Life and Death
– Business and your work
– Health
– Akachic Records (Your past lives)
– Star Connection
– Your relatives and friends in Spirit World and how they were/are
– Developing and Dealing with psychic abilities and spiritual expriences
– Direction for your life
– Making choices
– Solution to your problems
– Your Child’s Talents and skills, how to raise, and what to mind
– General overall advice to improve your life, what is your key factor to become happier in your life
B.Metaphysio Therapy
Metaphysio therapy is a combination of natural healing modalities such as Power stone therpies, channeledenergy healing, hypnotherapy, short reflexology with aromatherapy, short psychc reading and spiritual counseling.
Remi will attune to your problems and spot where they stem from. Not only she can tell how it has become problems, she can also heal physical body from its causal level, and release emotional, psycological, and spiritual entanglements in your auric fields by using all the powerful and effective alternative medicines.
If you would like a healing session, we recommend that you take 2 hours for counseling /reading and healing treatment.
Testimonials and voices from clients
To read testimonials and experences on this thrapy from clients in English, Click here.
To read testimonials and experiences on Remi’s private session in English with google translator, Click here.
DATE : 19 & 20.7.2013 (time and place will be announced later)
Fee: 1hr 130 euro / 2hr 260 euro
*If you are a participant of the Power Stone Therapy course, you will have a special price of 120 euro for 1 hr and 220 euro for 2 hr session.
Sign up here & Send inquiry
Please use this form here or e-mail to REMI by your mail system
Language Assistance
If you would need a language assistance please e-mail us in Finnish. Your email will be transfered to a Finnish supporting members and our reply will be sent to you through them in Finnish.
Please put a word of ‘FIN’ in a title bar when emailing to us so that the server will not omit your email as a spam.
Nahdaan pian!